Friday, December 28, 2012

မတည္ၿငိမ္မႈမ်ားက ရခိုင္ေဒသခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းကို ေလ်ာ့က်ေစ

ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းအရွိန္အဟုန္ျမင့္ တိုးတက္လာသည့္အေလ်ာက္ ရခုိင္ေဒသတြင္း
ခရီးသြား လုပ္ငန္းဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးတိုးတက္ရန္ ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ရ ေသာ္လည္း မၾကာေသးမီက ထပ္မံျဖစ္ ပြားခဲ့
သည့္ ပဋိပကၡမ်ားေၾကာင့္  အဆိုပါျဖစ္ပြားရာေဒသမ်ားသို႔ သြားေရာက္လည္ပတ္မည့္ ရခိုင္
ခရီးစဥ္မ်ား ဖ်က္သိမ္းခဲ့ရသည္။
ခရီးစဥ္ဖ်က္သိမ္းမႈမ်ားက ျမန္မာ ႏုိင္ငံ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းတစ္ခုလံုးႏွင့္ ယွဥ္လွ်င္ ေျပာပေလာက္
သည့္ အက်ဳိး တစ္စံုတစ္ရာ ထိခိုက္မႈမရွိေၾကာင္း ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းမွ တာ၀န္ရွိသူမ်ားက
"ဟိုတယ္ခရီး၀န္ႀကီးဌာနက တရား၀င္ ထပ္မံတားျမစ္ထားတာ မရွိပါဘူး။ ဒါေပမယ့္ ဒီအေျခ
အေနမွာ ခရီးသည္ ေတြသြားရင္ မလံုျခံဳဘူး ဆိုေတာ့ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းေတြကလည္း ခရီးစဥ္
ေတြ ဖ်က္သိမ္းလိုက္တာပါ"ဟု ျမန္မာခရီး သြားလုပ္ငန္းအဖြဲဲ႕ခ်ဳပ္မွ တာ၀န္ရွိသူ
ဦးခင္ေအာင္ထြန္းက ေျပာသည္။
"ရခိုင္ျပည္နယ္ ၀န္ႀကီးခ်ဳပ္ကလည္း   ရခိုင္ေဒသတြင္းမွာ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္ၿပီး
ဖြံ႕ၿဖိဳးတိုးတက္ေစခ်င္တယ္။ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းကို အမွီျပဳၿပီး  ဒီေဒသတိုးတက္ဖို႔ကို လိုလား
တယ္လို႔  ေျပာတယ္" ဟု ၎ကေျပာသည္။
ထို႔ျပင္ စစ္ေတြ၊ ေျမာက္ဦး၊ သံတြဲ၊ ျမန္ေအာင္၊ ေက်ာက္ျဖဴႏွင့္ ရမ္းျဗဲေဒသတြင္း ခရီးသြား
လုပ္ငန္းတိုးတက္ရန္ အစီအစဥ္မ်ားေရးဆြဲမႈကို ေဒသတြင္း တည္ၿငိမ္လာပါက အဖြဲ႕ခ်ဳပ္မွ
ကူညီေရး ဆြဲေပးရန္ စီစဥ္ထားသည္ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။
"ႏုိ၀င္ဘာလ အစပိုင္းေလာက္က ဂ်ာမနီ၊ ဆြစ္ဇာလန္နဲ႔ ယူေကႏုိင္ငံေတြက tour
operator ေတြဆီက ရခိုင္ေဒသခရီးသြားအတြက္ အီးေမးလ္ပို႔ၿပီး ေမးၾကပါတယ္" ဟု
All Asia Exclusive ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းမွ ဦးၿဖိဳးေ၀ရာဇာက ေျပာသည္။
"ခရီးစဥ္ေနရာတစ္ခုေတာ့ ပ်က္သြား တာေပါ့။ ရခိုင္ေဒသ အရင္အေျခအေန အတိုင္း
ျပန္ျဖစ္သြားၿပီး တစ္ႏွစ္ေလာက္ အၾကာခရီးသည္ေတြ ျပန္လက္ခံႏုိင္တဲ့ အေျခအေနရွိလာမွ
ျပန္စဥ္းစားၾကရ မွာပါ" ဟု ၎က ေျပာသည္။
ခရီးသည္လည္ပတ္မႈအမ်ားဆံုးျဖစ္ သည့္ ရန္ကုန္၊ ပုဂံ၊ မႏၲေလးႏွင့္ အင္းေလး ေဒသမ်ားအျပင္
ဒုတိယဦးစားေပးအျဖစ္ ရခိုင္သို႔ ပို႔ေဆာင္ေပးေလ့ ရွိသည္။
"ရခုိင္ေဒသကိုသြားလို႔ အဆင္မေျပ ရင္ တျခားေနရာေတြျဖစ္တဲ့ ခ်င္းျပည္ နယ္ေတာင္ပိုင္းနဲ႔
မြန္ျပည္နယ္ေတြကို     ပိုသြားလာေအာင္၊ ပိုေရြးခ်ယ္လာေအာင္ လုပ္ဖို႔လိုေနၿပီ" ဟု ၎က
ယခုကဲ့သို႔ ခရီးစဥ္ဖ်က္သိမ္းျခင္းမွာ ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းမ်ားတြင္ အေတြ႕ အၾကံဳသစ္တစ္ခု
မဟုတ္ေၾကာင္း၊ ခရီး သည္မ်ားကို မွန္ကန္သည့္ အခ်က္အလက္မ်ားေပးႏုိင္ရန္ႏွင့္ ရခိုင္ေဒသ
ယခင္အေျခအေနသို႔ အလ်င္အျမန္ ေရာက္ရွိရန္ တတ္ႏုိင္သမွ်ကူညီ ေဆာင္ရြက္သြားရန္သာ
ရွိသည္ဟု ၎က သံုးသပ္ေျပာၾကားသည္။
ရခုိင္ျပည္နယ္သံတြဲေဒသ ငပလီ ကမ္းေျခသို႔ ခရီးသည္မ်ား အဆက္မျပတ္ သြားေရာက္
လည္ပတ္ေလ့ရွိၿပီး ယခုႏွစ္အတြက္ ႏုိ၀င္ဘာလမွ ဇန္န၀ါရီလအတြင္း ဟိုတယ္အခန္း
ဘြတ္ကင္ ၈၀ ရာခိုင္ႏႈန္းနီးပါး ရရွိေနသည္ဟု Pleasant View ဟိုတယ္မွ တာ၀န္ရွိသူ
တစ္ဦးက ေျပာၾကားသည္။
"ဒီဘက္မွာ အားလံုးေအးခ်မ္းပါတယ္။ ဘြတ္ကင္လုပ္ထားတဲ့သူေတြ အမ်ားစုကလည္း
ႏုိင္ငံျခားသားေတြ မ်ားပါတယ္'' ဟု ၎က ဆိုသည္။
Myanmar Voyages ခရီးသြား လုပ္ငန္းမွ မန္ေနဂ်င္းဒါ႐ိုက္တာ ဦးသက္လြင္တိုးကလည္း
"ရခိုင္ေဒသ တြင္း မတည္မၿငိမ္ျဖစ္ေနစဥ္မွာ ခရီးစဥ္ ေရာင္းခ်မႈမရွိေပမယ့္ ဒီေဒသကို
အျမန္ဆံုး အရင္အေျခအေနျပန္ေရာက္ ေစခ်င္တယ္" ဟု ေျပာသည္။
ေအာက္တိုဘာလတြင္ ရခိုင္ေဒသ တြင္းျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့သည့္ ပဋိပကၡမ်ား ေၾကာင့္ ေသဆံုးသူ ဦးေရ
၈၇ ဦးရွိခဲ့ သည္။ အစိုးရ ထုတ္ျပန္ခ်က္အရ ဇြန္လ မွစခါ လူဦးေရ ၂၀၀ ေက်ာ္ ေသဆံုး

စစ္ေတြ- ေရခ်မ္းျပင္ ဘူတာၾကား ရထားလမ္း ဇလီ ဖားတံုးႏွင့္ သံမိႈမ်ား ေပ်ာက္ဆုံုး Shared by ေကတု

Thursday, 27 December 2012 09:01 စစ္ေတြ ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၆
၂ဝ၁၂ ခုႏွစ္ ဇြန္လအတြင္း ျဖစ္ပြားခဲ့ေသာ ပဋိပကၡမ်ား ျဖစ္ပြားၿပီးေနာက္ လံုၿခံဳမႈ အခက္အခဲေၾကာင့္ စစ္ေတြ-ေရခ်မ္းျပင္ ရထား ေျပးဆြဲမႈအား ရပ္နား ထားခဲ့သည္။
စစ္ေတြ ဘူတာမွ ေရခ်မ္းျပင္ ဘူတာၾကား ရထားသံလမ္းတြင္ ထည့္သြင္း အသံုးျပဳထားသည့္ သစ္သား ဇလီဖားတံုးမ်ား ေပ်ာက္ဆံုး ေနမႈကို သိရ၍ ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၁ ရက္က အငယ္တန္း အင္ဂ်င္နီယာ (၃)သံလမ္း ဦးေနလင္းေအာင္ႏွင့္ အဖြဲ႕၊အမွတ္(၁) ရဲစခန္းမွ    တာဝန္ရွိသူမ်ား၊   ဒုတိယ ရဲအုပ္ ခင္ေမာင္လွ ဦးစီးအဖြဲ႕ႏွင့္ အတူ လမ္းပိုင္း တစ္ေလွ်ာက္  လမ္းေလွ်ာက္ စစ္ေဆးရာ အရွည္ ၆ ေပ၊ ျဗက္ ၈ လက္မ၊ အထူ ၄ လက္မခန္႔ရွိ ေရခ်မ္းျပင္ ဘူတာတြင္  စုပံုထားေသာ ဇလီဖားတံုး  ၉၇ တံုး၊ လမ္းပိုင္း တစ္ေလွ်ာက္ အသံုးျပဳလ်က္ ရွိသည့္ ဇလီဖားတံုး ၄၄၈၈ တံုး (ကာလတန္ဖိုး ေငြက်ပ္ ၃၅၁၉၉ဝ၄၅)ႏွင့္ ဇလီဖားတံုး႐ိုက္ သံမိႈ ၁၇၉၅၂ ေခ်ာင္း၊ (ကာလ တန္ဖိုးေငြက်ပ္ ၅ဝ၂၆၅၆ဝ)  ေပ်ာက္ ဆံုး ေနေၾကာင္း ေတြ႕ရွိရသျဖင့္  စစ္ေတြ အမွတ္ (၁)ရဲစခန္းမွ (ပ) ၄ဝ၇/ ၂ဝ၁၂  ျပည္သူပိုင္ အက္ဥပေဒ ပုဒ္မ ၆(၁)အရ   အမႈဖြင့္လွစ္ ထားေၾကာင္း သတင္း ရရွိသည္။

ေက်ာက္စာ သက္ေသ (၂) By ခိုင္လင္း (ေမဃ၀တီ) |

ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၇ ၊ ၂၀၁၂ | ေတာင္ႀကီးတိုင္းမ္

ရာဇ၀င္ကို အေျခခံၿပီး “ ျမန္မာအစ တေကာင္းက “ လို ့ စကားပံုျဖစ္လာတယ္။ တေကာင္းရာဇ၀င္က အားလံုးသိၿပီးတဲ့အတိုင္း သာကီ၀င္မင္းမ်ိဳးနဲ့စခဲ့တာျဖစ္တယ္။ အဲဒီ သာကီ၀င္မ်ိဳးတူစုအတြင္း မေက်မနပ္ ခိုက္ရန္ျဖစ္ပြားလို့ ဇာတိေျမ အိႏၵိယကို စြန့္ခြါၿပီး ျမန္မာ ႏိုင္ငံ တေကာင္းကိုထြက္လာကာ တိုင္းျပည္တည္ေထာင္တယ္။ အဲဒီ မင္းမွာ အေမြခံသားႏွစ္ေယာက္ နန္းလုၾကတယ္။ အငယ္က အထက္အညာကို အႏိုင္ရၿပီး အၾကီးက ဓည၀တီ(ရခိုင္)ေရာက္သြားတယ္လို့ ဆိုတယ္။ ဒီရာဇ၀င္ကို အေျခခံၿပီး ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤ လီေတြက ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြကို ကုလားေတြျဖစ္တယ္လို့ ေျပာေနၾကတယ္။

ဆိုေတာ့ ခိုင္မာတဲ့ အေထာက္အထားေတြနဲ့ ေရးထားတဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြကို အေျခခံမေျပာဘဲ အေထာက္အထားမရွိဘဲ ေရးထားတဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြကို အေျခခံၿပီးေျပာျခင္းဟာ ရိုးသားမွဳ မရွိျခင္းကို ျပေနသလို တဘက္မွာလည္း တကယ္တမ္းသမိုင္းကို နားလည္ထားတဲ့လူေတြအတြက္ေတာ့ ရီစရာတခုျဖစ္ေနျပန္တယ္။ ေျပာခ်င္တာက မွန္းဆၿပီး အေထာက္အထားမဲ့ ေျပာေနၾက ေရးေနၾကတဲ့ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြရဲ့ လုပ္ၾကံသမိုင္းေတြဟာ ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြရဲ့ အမ်က္ေဒါသကိုသာ ျဖစ္ေစတယ္ဆိုတာ ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။ ေခတ္သစ္မွာ အေထာက္အထားမဲ့တဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြကို အေထာက္အထားရွိတဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြက ေခ်ဖ်က္ပစ္သလို အေထာက္အထားနည္းတဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြကိုလည္း ခိုင္မာတဲ့ အေထာက္ အထားရွိတဲ့ သမိုင္းေတြက ေခ်ဖ်က္ပစ္တတ္ပါတယ္။

ဆက္ရရင္ အစဥ္အလာအရ ေျပာေနတဲ့ ျမန္မာအစ တေကာင္းက သမိုင္းဟာ မွားယြင္းေၾကာင္း သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းက သူ့ရဲ့ “အေစာဆံုးအကၡရာတင္ တိုင္းရင္းျမန္မာ မွတ္တမ္းမ်ား” စာအုပ္မွာ ဆရာက “ ၀မ္းနည္းစရာ ေကာင္းတဲ့အခ်က္က ေရွးေဟာင္း သုေတသနက တူးေဖာ္လိုက္လို့ အရင္က အမ်ားၾကီးႏွစ္သက္ခဲ့တဲ့ အျဖစ္အပ်က္တခ်ိဳ့ဟာ မမွန္တာေတြ့လို့ စြန့္ရတဲ့အျဖစ္ ေရာက္သြား ပါတယ္။

ဥပမာ - တေကာင္းဟာ ဘုရားမပြင့္မီ ကာလၾကာျမင့္စြာကပဲ ရွိခဲ့တယ္လို့ ေက်ေက်နပ္နပ္ ေျပာေနခဲ့ရာက အခုတူးေဖာ္ၾကည့္ တဲ့အခါ ခရစ္ (၁၁)ရာစု ႏွစ္ထက္ ေစာတဲ့ပစၥည္း ဘာတခုမွ် ထြက္မလာပါ။ ၿဂ့ီေကၺၾတဟာ ျမတ္စြာဘုရား ပရိနိဗၺာန္စံၿပီး ႏွစ္တစ္ရာ (အရင္ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၄၀၀)မွာ တည္ခဲ့တယ္ဆိုတဲ့ စကားနဲ့ တူးေဖာ္ေရးက (အရင္ႏွစ္ ၂၀၀၀ ထက္) မပိုဘူးလို့ ျပေနၿပီ။ “ လို့ ခိုင္မာတဲ့ သမိုင္းအေထာက္အထားေတြနဲ့ ေခ်ဖ်က္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။

တနည္းအားျဖင့္ ေျပာရရင္ ခိုင္မာတဲ့ သမိုင္းအေထာက္အထားေတြအရ ျမန္မာအစ တေကာင္းက ဆိုတဲ့ အစဥ္အလာသမိုင္းကိုေရာ သာကီမ်ိဳးေဟ့ တို့ဗမာကိုလည္း ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းကပယ္ခဲ့တယ္။ ကုလားေတြနဲ့ အမ်ိဳးမေတာ္ခ်င္တာ မ်ိဳးခ်စ္စိတ္ေၾကာင့္ မဟုတ္ဘူးလို့ ဆရာ့စာအုပ္ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားမွာ မွာထားခဲ့တယ္။ဆိုေတာ့ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြရဲ့ အေထာက္အထားမရွိဘဲ မွန္းဆေျပာေန တဲ့ သမိုင္းတုေတြဟာလည္း ေခ်ဖ်က္ၿပီးသားျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

ပ်ဴက ပ်ဴစာ မတီထြင္ခင္ ရခိုင္က ရခိုင္စာ မတီထြင္ခင္ မြန္က မြန္စာ မတီထြင္ခင္ ျမန္မာက ျမန္မာစာ မတီထြင္ခင္ အိႏၵိအကၡရာေတြကို သံုးခဲ့ရတယ္။ အဲဒီအကၡရာေတြနဲ့ သမိုင္းမွတ္တမ္းတင္ခဲ့တယ္။ အႏၵိယ ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳလႊမ္းမိုးျခင္းက အဲဒီေခတ္က သိပ္အျပန့္က်ယ္ တယ္။ ဒီေနရာမွာ ဆက္စပ္လို့ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းစာကို ကိုးကားခ်င္တယ္။

ဆရာက “ ခရစ္တစ္ဆယ့္ႏွစ္ရာစုဦးအထိ ေတြ့ရေသာ ေခတ္ေဟာင္း မြန္ေက်ာက္စာဟူ၍ (၆၀)ရွိသည္မွ (၄၇)ခုကို ပုဂံ၌ ေတြ့ရ၏။ သို့ေသာ္ ေခတ္လယ္မြန္ေက်ာက္စာပိုင္းသို့ ေရာက္ေသာအခါ အစုစု (၅၉)ခုတြင္ ပုဂံ၌ တခုသာ ေတြ့ရပါေတာ့သည္။ ယင္းအခ်က္တစ္ခ်က္မွ်ပင္လ်ွင္ ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳၾသဇာ၏ အတက္အသက္သမိုင္းကို အကဲျဖတ္ႏိုင္ေလာက္စရာရွိပါသည္။“ လို့ ေထာက္ျပခဲ့တယ္။

ဒီေနရာမွာ အဓိက ေျပာခ်င္တာက လက္ရွိ ရွာေဖြေတြ့ရွိသေလာက္ ေခတ္ေဟာင္းမြန္ေက်ာက္စာ ေျခာက္ဆယ္မွာ ေလးဆယ့္ခုႏွစ္ခက ပုဂံမွာရွိေနေပမယ့္ ပုဂံဟာ မြန္တိုင္းျပည္မဟုတ္ဘူး။ ျမန္မာေတြရဲ့တိုင္းႏိုင္ငံသာျဖစ္တယ္။ ထို့အတူ သိဃၤသူသမီးေက်ာက္စာမွာ “ အခ်င္ခ်င္ အမ်က္အဤ တစိယ္ မဟိယ္ “ ဆိုတာ ရွိတယ္။ အဲဒီမွာ “တစိ”နဲ့ “မဟိ”ဆိုတာ ရခိုင္ေတြ ဒီေန့အခ်ိန္ထိ သံုးေနတဲ့ ေန့စဥ္သံုးေ၀ါဟာရျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒါ့အျပင္ ပုဂံေက်ာက္စာမွာ ရခိုင္ေ၀ါဟာရေတြ အမ်ားၾကီးရွိေသးတယ္။ ပုဂံေက်ာက္စာေတြမွာ ရခိုင္ေ၀ါဟာရေတြ့တိုင္း ပုဂံဟာ ရခိုင္ တိုင္းျပည္ မဟုတ္ဘူး။ ျမန္မာေတြရဲ့တိုင္းျပည္သာျဖစ္တယ္။

ဘုရင့္နာမည္ ၿမိဳ ့နာမည္ တိုင္းျပည္နာမည္ေတြကို (ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းေလသံနဲ့ ေျပာရရင္ ) ကုလားလိုဘဲေပးတယ္။ ပုဂံက လည္း အရိမဒၵနပုရ ျဖစ္သလို မြန္ကလည္း သူ့တိုင္းျပည္ကို သု၀ဏၰဘူမိလို့ေပးတယ္။ ပ်ဴကလည္း သေရေခတၱရာလို့ေပးတယ္။ ရခိုင္က လည္း ဓည၀တီ၊ ေ၀သာလီ စသည္ျဖင့္ ေပးတယ္။ ဘုရင္နာမည္ေတြလည္း ဒီအတိုင္းဘဲ။ဥပမာ အနိရုဒၶက ပုဂံျပည့္ရွင္ဘုရင္ တပါးျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒီဘုရင္နာမည္က ကုလားနာမည္ျဖစ္တိုင္း ကုလားျဖစ္တယ္လို့ေျပာဖို့ခက္တယ္။ ျမန္မာေတြဟာ ကုလား ပုဆိုးမ၀တ္ခင္က ေဘာင္းဘီ၀တ္တယ္။

ယခု ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံဘက္ကို ဆင္းလာၿပီးမွ ရာသီဥတုအေျပာင္းအလဲေတြနဲ့အတူ အိႏၵိယယဥ္ေက်းမွဳ ၾသဇာ လႊမ္းမိုးမွဳေတြေၾကာင့္ ပုဆိုးကို ၀တ္လာတာျဖစ္တယ္။ ၀တ္စား ဆင္ယင္မွဳေတြ ၊ အိႏၵိယအကၡရာသံုးစြဲမွဳေတြ ၊ ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳက အစ အိႏၵိယ ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳမ်ားလႊမ္းမိုးခံခဲ့ရတယ္။

သို့ေပမယ့္ တရုတ္ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳေတြကိုလည္း ယူငင္သံုးစြဲခဲ့တာ ေတြလည္းရွိတယ္။ ျမန္မာေတြဟာ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံထဲက မဆင္းလာခင္ တရုတ္ အေနာက္ေျမာက္နဲ့ တိဗက္ အေရွ့ေျမာက္မွာ ရွိတဲ့ ကန္စုနယ္ ေထာင္ျမစ္၀ွန္းမွာ ေနခဲ့ တဲ့ တိဗက္ျမန္မာႏြယ္၀င္အုပ္စုေတြျဖစ္တယ္။ တိဗက္ ျမန္မာအုပ္စုေတြထဲမွာ မ်ိဳးႏြယ္စုေတြ အမ်ားၾကီးရွိတယ္။ ဒီအထဲက လက္ရွိ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံထဲမွာ ရွိတဲ့ မ်ိဳးႏြယ္စုအနည္းငယ္ကို ေျပာရရင္ ကုကိ ခ်င္း ၊ သက္ ၊ ဓႏု ၊ အင္းသား၊ ထား၀ယ္၊ ရခိုင္ ၊ ျမန္မာေတြျဖစ္ တယ္လို ့ ပညာရွင္ေတြက ေထာက္ျပတယ္။ဓႏု၊အင္းသား၊ထား၀ယ္၊ ရခိုင္စကားမ်ားဟာ ျမန္မာစကားနဲ့ အလြန္နီးစပ္တယ္။ ရခိုင္ စကားဟာ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီစကားနဲ့ မိုးနဲ့ေျမလိုကြာျခားပါတယ္။

ပညာရွင္ေတြကေတာ့ ရခိုင္ေတြဟာ ျမန္မာေတြထက္ေစာၿပီး လက္ရွိ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံထဲကို ေစာၿပီး၀င္လာသူေတြျဖစ္ၿပီး နီေပါဘက္မွ စစ္တေကာင္းကို ျဖတ္၍ ၀င္လာဖြယ္ရွိတယ္လို့ ခန့္မွန္းၾကတယ္။ ဆိုေတာ့ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြေျပာသလို ရခိုင္ေတြဟာ အသားမဲတာနဲ့ ကုလားစပ္ေတြျဖစ္တယ္လို့ စြပ္စြဲခ်က္ေတြဟာ မီးေလာင္ရာကို ဓါတ္ဆီေလာင္းထဲ့ သလိုျဖစ္လိမ့္မယ္။ အညာသားေတြနဲ့ ရခိုင္ရုပ္ေတြတူသလို ကုလားရုပ္ေတြနဲ့ ဘာမွ တူႏိုင္စရာမရွိတဲ့ အလြယ္တကူၾကည့္ႏိုင္တဲ့ ရခိုင္အခ်ိဳ့ကို ျပခ်င္တယ္။ ဥပမာ မင္းသားေနတိုး၊ မင္းသားၾကီး ဦးေအာင္လြင္၊ အဆိုေတာ္ ရတနာမိုင္၊ စာေရးဆရာ ေဖျမင့္ စတဲ့ ပုဂၢိဳလ္ေတြကို ၾကည့္ရင္ သိသာတယ္။ ေျပာခ်င္တာက သမိုင္းကို အေထာက္အထားရွိစြာနဲ့ခ်ျပျခင္းက ျပႆနာမျဖစ္ေပမယ့္ အေထာက္အထားမယ့္ လိမ္ညာတဲ့ သမိုင္းတုေတြဟာ ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြရဲ့ ေဒါသကို ဆြေပးသလို ျဖစ္ေစတယ္ဆိုတာ ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။

ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းစြာ အတူယွဥ္တြဲေနထိုင္လိုတယ္ဆိုရင္ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းစြာ အတူေနထိုင္ႏိုင္တဲ့ အျပဳအမူေတြကို ျပဳမူ က်င့္ၾကံဖို့လိုအပ္တယ္။ ကုလား သတင္းဌာနျဖစ္တဲ့ အယ္လ္ဂ်ာဇီးရားက ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြကို လူမ်ိဳးတုံုးသတ္ျဖတ္ေနပါတယ္လို့ ေျပာဆိုခ်က္မ်ိဳးဟာ ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းစြာ အတူယွဥ္တြဲေနထိုင္ေရးအတြက္ အေျဖမဟုတ္ဘဲ ျပႆနာကို ပိုမိုၾကီးထြားေအာင္လုပ္သလိုမ်ိဳး မလုပ္ဖို့အထူးလိုအပ္တယ္။ ဒီေလာက္ ေဖာင္းပြေနတဲ့ ဘဂၤလီလူဦးေရကို ၾကည့္ျခင္းအားျဖင့္ျဖစ္ျဖစ္ ဘလီေတြ မွိဳလိုေပါက္ေနတဲ့ အခ်က္ကို ၾကည့္လို့ဘဲျဖစ္ျဖစ္ အယ္လ္ဂ်ာဇီးရားက ေျပာဆိုခ်က္ေတြဟာ မွားယြင္းေၾကာင္းကို အလြယ္တကူ သိႏိုင္တယ္။

ေျပာခ်င္တာက လိမ္ညာတဲ့ သတင္းေတြ၊ သမိုင္းတုေတြဟာ ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြရဲ့ ေဒါသကို ဆြေပးေနျခင္းသာျဖစ္တယ္ဆိုတာကို ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။ ရခိုင္ဘုရင္ေခတ္မွာ ဒီဘက္စကားနဲ့ေျပာရင္ ဧည့္ႏိုင္ငံသားအျဖစ္ ၊ ပုဂံေခတ္မွာ ဧည့္ႏိုင္ငံသားအျဖစ္ ေနထိုင္ခဲ့တဲ့ သမိုင္းကို ေျပာင္းျပန္လွန္ၿပီး ျမန္မာ၊မြန္၊ရွမ္း၊ကရင္၊ ရခိုင္ေတြထက္ ဒီေျမမွာ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြ အရင္ရွိေနတယ္။ သို့မဟုတ္ မြန္၊ျမန္မာ၊ ရခိုင္ေတြရဲ့ ဘုရင္နာမည္ေတြ၊ ၿမိဳ့ေတြ ၊ ေက်ာက္စာေတြဟာ ကုလားလိုေရးထားတာေၾကာင့္ ကုလားတိုင္းျပည္ျဖစ္တယ္လို့ေျပာရင္ အရွက္မဲ့တဲ့ သိကၡာမဲ့တဲ့ ေျပာဆိုခ်က္ေတြျဖစ္တယ္။ ရခိုင္ဘုရင္ေခတ္မွာ မြတ္ဆလင္ေတြ ေလးသည္ေတာ္အျဖစ္ အမွဳထမ္းဖူးသလို ဂ်ပန္အမွဳထမ္း ေတြေတာင္ရွိတယ္လို့ ဂ်ပန္မွတ္တမ္းေတြမွာရွိတယ္။

ပုဂံေခတ္မွာေတာ့ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းက သူ့ရဲ့ “အေစာဆံုး အကၡရာတင္ တိုင္းရင္းျမန္မာမွတ္တမ္းမ်ား” မွာ ဆရာက “ ရာဇကုမာရ္ေက်ာက္စာ၌ ေဟဗို၀္ဟု ေဖာ္ျပပါရွိဘူးေသာ ယွဥ္ပို၀္ကဲ့သို့ ျမစ္၀ကၽြန္းေပၚရွိ ဆိပ္ကမ္းမွ တစ္ဆင့္ ကုလားကၽြန္အေျမာက္အမ်ားေခၚယူေၾကာင္းသိရ၏“ လို့ ေက်ာက္စာအေထာက္အထားနဲ့ေျပာတယ္။ ဒီစကားအရ ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြမဟုတ္ဘူးဆိုတာ ထင္ရွားပါတယ္။

ေခတ္ဦး ျမန္မာေက်ာက္စာေတြျဖစ္တဲ့ ပ်ဴ၊ ရခိုင္၊ မြန္၊ ျမန္မာေက်ာက္စာေတြဟာ သကၠတဘာသာနဲ့ေရးထိုးသလို အႏၵိယယဥ္ေက်း မွဳေတြဟာလည္း ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအပါအ၀င္ အျခားတိုင္းျပည္မ်ားကိုလည္း စာေပနဲ့အတူ ျပန္ႏွ့ံခဲ့ပါတယ္။ အဲဒီလို ျပန့္ႏွ့ံခဲ့တဲ့အတြက္ ျမန္မာ၊ ထိုင္း၊ ကေမၺာဒီးယားစတဲ့ ႏိုင္ငံေတြဟာ ကုလားေတြရဲ့တိုင္းျပည္ျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒီလူေတြဟာ ကုလားစပ္ေတြလို့ေျပာေနျခင္းေတြဟာ လုပ္ၾကံတဲ့သမိုင္းတုေတြျဖစ္တယ္ဆိုတာကို သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ေတြရဲ့ သုေတသနျပဳခ်က္ေတြနဲ့ ေခ်ဖ်က္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။

ေနာက္ဆံုး ဂလိုဘယ္ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳအရ အေနာက္တိုင္း ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳေတြဟာလည္း ျမန္မာျပည္ရဲ့ေတာေတာင္ေတြထဲထိရိုက္ခတ္ခဲ့သလို တခ်ိန္က အိႏၵိယယဥ္ေက်းမွဳဟာလည္း အာရွကို တရုတ္ယဥ္ေက်းမွဳနဲ့အၿပိဳင္ ၾသဇာသက္ေရာက္ခဲ့တာကို ၀န္ခံရမယ္။

သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ ေဒါက္တာ သန္းထြန္းရဲ့ “ပ်ဴေတြ ဘယ္ေပ်ာက္သြားသလဲ” စာအုပ္မွာ “တရုတ္မွတ္တမ္းမ်ားအရ ယင္းသို့ ေျပာင္းလဲရျခင္းကား ကုလားတို့ ေပါက္ေရာက္လာေသာေၾကာင့္ ျဖစ္ပါသည္ဟု ယူရန္ရွိ၏။ တရုတ္ႏိုင္ငံ၌ သံုးရာစုႏွစ္ဦးတြင္ ဟန္မင္းဆက္ က်ဆံုးသည္။ ယင္းသည့္ အခါမွ စ၍ ယေန့ (ယခုေဆာင္းပါးေရးေသာ ၁၉၃၆) တိုင္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံ၌ ကုလားဓေလ့ ၾသဇာအလႊမ္းမိုးဆံုး ျဖစ္ပါေတာ့သည္။

ထုထည္ၾကီးမားလွေသာ ကုလားဓေလ့ကို ၾကိဳက္သလို ယူငင္သံုးစြဲေပေတာ့ဟု စုပံု၍ ေပးအပ္လာစအခါက ႏွစ္သက္စြာယူငင္ သံုးစြဲႏိုင္ေလာက္ေအာင္ တိုင္းရင္းသားတို့၌ ဓါတ္ခံမရင့္သန္ ေသးသျဖင့္ ကုလားအမူအက်င့္ကို အငွားယူ၍ သံုးစြဲေနရမွန္း ယခုထက္ျမင္သာေပမည္။

အေျခခံအားျဖင့္ အကၡရာႏွင့္စာေရးနည္း၊ စာဖြဲ့ရန္အေၾကာင္းအရာ၊ အႏုပညာ၊ အေတြးအေခၚႏွင့္သာသနာယံုၾကည္မွဳမွစ၍ ပစၥည္းအသံုးအေဆာင္မ်ား စြာကိုပင္ ကုလားႏိုင္ငံမွ ယူငင္သံုးစြဲလာၾကသည္။ ကုလားတို့၏ ေက်းွဇူးၾကီးသည္ကို ထိုက္သေလာက္ ၀န္ခံရမည္ျဖစ္ေသာ္လည္း အကဲအပိုျဖစ္ေအာင္ မခ်ဲ့ထြင္သင့္ေခ်။” ဟု ဆရာက တပ္လွန့္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။

ေနာက္ဆံုးေျပာခ်င္တာက ကုလားစာေတြနဲ့ ေရးထားတယ္ဆိုတဲ့ ေရွးေခတ္ ရခိုင္ေက်ာက္စာေတြဟာ ေယဓမၼာေဟတုပဘာ၀ါ စတဲ့ေက်ာက္စာေတြဟာ ဗုဒၶရဲ့ ဓမၼေတြသာျဖစ္တယ္။ ထို့အတူ ပ်ဴ ၊ ရခိုင္၊ မြန္၊ ျမန္မာစတဲ့ တိုင္းရင္းသားေတြဟာ ဗုဒၶဘာသာကို မကိုးကြယ္မွီက ေရွးဦးလူသားေတြလို နတ္ ၊ နဂါး၊ ျဗဟၼဏ၀ါဒစသည့္တို့ကို ကိုးကြယ္ေနၾကမွာျဖစ္တယ္။ ဒီလိုကိုးကြယ္ခဲ့တိုင္း ဒီလူမ်ိဳးေတြဟာ ဟိႏၵဴကုလားေတြျဖစ္တယ္လို့ ေျပာရင္ အရွက္သိကၡာမရွိတဲ့ ေျပာဆိုခ်က္ေတြဘဲ ျဖစ္မယ္လို့ ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။    ။

ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၇ ၊ ၂၀၁၂ နံနက္ ၁း၂၇

မွတ္ခ်က္ ။  ။ ဆက္ၿပီး ေလ့လာလိုသူေတြအတြက္ က်မ္းညြန္းကို ခုႏွစ္အုပ္ေလာက္ဘဲ ေဖာ္ျပပါမယ္ အမွန္က အုပ္သံုးဆယ္ ခန့္ရွိပါတယ္။ ပံုႏွိပ္တိုက္ ခုႏွစ္ေတြကလည္း သမိုင္းသုေတသနဌာနပံုစံမ်ိဳး မေဖာ္ျပေတာ့ပါဘူး။

၁။ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္း - ေခတ္ေဟာင္းျမန္မာရာဇ၀င္
၂။ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္း - အေစာဆံုးအကၡရာတင္ တိုင္းရင္းျမန္မာမွတ္တမ္းမ်ား
၃။ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္း - ပ်ဴေတြ ဘယ္ေပ်ာက္သြားသလဲ
၄။ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္း - အသစ္ျမင္ ျမန္မာသမိုင္း
၅။ ေဖေမာင္တင္ - ဘာသာေလာကက်မ္း
၆။သာျမတ္ - မြန္ ျမန္မာအကၡရာသမိုင္း
၇။ ဂၽြန္စတန္(အီးအိပ္ခ်္) - ရခိုင္သကၠတေက်ာက္စာအခ်ိဳ့ အေရွ့တိုင္းႏွင့္အာဖရိကပညာေက်ာင္းစာေစာင္၊ အတြဲ ၁၁ ၊ အပိုင္း ၂

ေက်ာက္စာသက္ေသ (၁) ခိုင္လင္း (ေမဃ၀တီ) |

 ဒီဇင္ဘာလ ၁၉ ရက္၊ ၂၀၁၂ | ေတာင္ႀကီးတုိင္းမ္

ကေန႔ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံရဲ့ ေရွးအက်ဆံုး ေက်ာက္စာေတြပိုင္ဆိုင္ထားတဲ့ ပ်ဴေက်ာက္စာ၊ ရခိုင္ေက်ာက္စာ၊ ျမန္မာေက်ာက္စာေတြကို ျဗာဟၼီ၊ သကဋ စာမ်ားနဲ႕ေရးထိုးထားခဲ့တယ္။ အဲဒီ ျဗာဟၼီ၊ သကဋစာေပျဖင့္ ေရးထိုးခဲ့တဲ့ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံထဲက ပ်ဴေတြ၊ ရခိုင္ေတြ၊ ျမန္မာေတြဟာ ကုလားေတြျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ ေျပာခ်င္တဲ့ ေျပာေနတဲ့ ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေတြရွိလာတယ္။ ဆိုေတာ့ ဒီကိစၥကို သာမန္စာဖတ္ပရိႆတ္ေတြကို သိသေလာက္ ရွင္းျပဖို႔လိုအပ္လာတယ္။

ေက်ာက္စာလို ခိုင္မာတဲ့ အေထာက္အထားမရွိေပမယ့္ ဗုဒၶစာေပေတြအရ ဗုဒၶမေပၚမီကာလနဲ႔ ဗုဒၶေပၚဆဲကာလမ်ားကပင္ စာေရးနည္းတမ်ိဳးမ်ိဳးရွိေနတယ္။ ဗုဒၶပရိနိဗၺာန္ျပဳၿပီးေနာက္ ဓါတ္ေတာ္ထည့္တဲ့ ပိျပအိုးမွာ စာေရးထိုးထားတာကို ေတြ ့ႏိုင္ၿပီး အဲဒီစာမ်ိဳးေရးတဲ့ကာလဟာ ေအဒီ ေလးရာစုျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ ပညာရွင္ေတြဆံုးျဖတ္ထားတယ္။

အဲဒီစာမ်ိဳးနဲ႔ဘဲ အေသာကမင္းႀကီးက ေက်ာက္စာေတြ အေျမာက္အမ်ားထားခဲ့တယ္။ အေသာကမင္းႀကီး ေနာက္ပိုင္းကာလေတြမွာေတာ့ အိႏၵိယေျမာက္ပိုင္းေရးနည္းနဲ႔ အိႏၵိယေတာင္ပိုင္းေရးနည္းဆိုၿပီး ႏွစ္မ်ိဳးကြဲျပားခဲ့တယ္။ အိႏၵိယေျမာက္ပိုင္းေရးနည္းမွာလည္းဘဲ ဂုပ ၱ၊ ကုဋိလ ၊ နာဂရီ ၊ သ်ွရဒါနဲ႔ ဗဂၤါလီလို႔ စာေရးနည္းကြဲျပားသလို အိႏၵိယေတာင္ပိုင္းမွာလည္းဘဲ ပစၦိမီ၊ မဓ်ျပ၊ေဒသွ်ီ ၊ ေတလုဂု၊ ကနရီ ၊ ျဂႏ ၱ၊ ကလိဂၤ ၊ သာမိဠနဲ႔ ၀ေဋဠုတၱဳ ဆိုၿပီးကြဲျပားခဲ့တယ္။

သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းေရးတဲ့ ေခတ္ေဟာင္းျမန္မာရာဇ၀င္မွာ ဆရာက “ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံသို႔ စာေရးနည္းေရာက္လာသည္မွာ ပုရာေလခပညာအရ ေလးရာစုဟု ခန္႔မွန္းရသျဖင့္ အသတ္အငင္
ေရးနည္းတြင္ မ်ားစြာမဆန္းျပားေသးေခ်။ ေျမာက္ပိုင္း အိႏၵိယအကၡရာေရးနည္း အပါအ၀င္ ဂုပ ၱႏွင့္ နာဂရီကို ရခိုင္ေက်ာက္စာႏွင့္ တစ္ဆယ့္ႏွစ္ရာစုအထိ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံအႏွံ႔အျပား၌ ေတြ႕ရေသာ ေျမပံုဘုရားမ်ားတြင္ ေတြ႕ႏိုင္ပါသည္။ သို႔ေသာ္ တျခားေက်ာက္စာမ်ားစြာကား ေလးရာစုေတာင္ပိုင္း အိႏၵိယအေရးအသားႏွင့္ ျဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံသံုးအကၡရာမ်ားမွာ ေတာင္ပိုင္းအိႏၵိယ၏ ေလးရာစု ေရးနည္းမ်ားမွ ဆင္းသက္လာသည္ဟု အခ်ဳပ္အားျဖင့္ မွတ္ယူရပါမည္။“ ဟုဆိုပါတယ္။

အထက္ပါ သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းရဲ့ သုေတသနျပဳခ်က္မွာ
(က) ရခိုင္ ၊ ပ်ဴ ၊ ျမန္မာေတြဟာ အိႏၵိယစာေရးနည္းအတိုင္းေရးတယ္။
(ခ) ေနာက္ပိုင္းမွာ ကိုယ္နည္းကိုဟန္ျဖင့္ ထြင္ၿပီးသံုးတယ္။
(ဂ) ယေန႔စာေပဟာ အိႏၵိယက ဆင္းသက္လာတယ္လို႔ေျပာတယ္။

ဆိုေတာ့ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ရွိတဲ့ ေရွးေက်ာက္စာေတြမွာ အိႏၵိယအကၡရာေတြနဲ႔ ေရးထိုးထားတိုင္း ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေခၚေတာေတြေျပာသလို ဒီေန႔ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ဘဂၤလီေခၚေတာေတြက ျမန္မာတိုင္းရင္းသားေတြထက္ အရင္ရွိေနတယ္ဆိုတဲ့ အယူအဆဟာ ကေလးအေတြးသာ ျဖစ္တယ္လို႔ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။

အကၡရာစာေပဆင္းသက္ပံု ျပန္႔ပြားပံု လူမ်ိဳးႏြယ္စု ဆင္းသက္ပံုကို အၾကမ္းအားျဖင့္ လူၿပိန္းသိ အသိေလာက္ေတာင္ မရွိဘဲ ပညာရွင္ပံုစံမ်ိဳးေလသံနဲ႔ ေျပာေနျခင္း ေရးေနျခင္းကေတာ့ ရွက္ဖို႔ေကာင္းပါတယ္။

ေနာက္တခ်က္ ေျပာခ်င္တာက ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံထဲက ကခ်င္၊ အာရွထဲက ဗီယနမ္ေတြဟာလည္း အဂၤလိပ္အကၡရာေတြနဲ႔ သူတို႔စာေပကို ေရးသားပါတယ္။ အဲဒီလို ေရးသားတိုင္း ဒီလူမ်ိဳးေတြဟာ အဂၤလိပ္ေတြလို႔ေျပာရင္ လူရီစရာျဖစ္သလိုမ်ိဳးျဖစ္ပါလိမ့္မယ္။ 

ပ်ဴလူမ်ိဳးေတြ ပ်ဴစာကို တီထြင္ မသံုးခင္က ျဗာဟၼီအကၡရာကို ေလးရာစုက သံုးခဲ့ဖူးတယ္။ ရခိုင္မွာ ရခိုင္စာကို တီထြင္ မသံုးခင္ သကၠတဘာသာကို ေအဒီ ငါးရာ့ငါးဆယ္ခန္႔ကသံုးစြဲခဲ့တယ္။ ျခြင္းခ်က္အေနနဲ႔ ေျခာက္ရာစုခန္႔က ပါဠိဘာသာနဲ႔ ေရးထိုးထားတဲ့ ေ၀သာလီဘုရားၾကီးကုန္းေက်ာက္စာနဲ႔ ေအဒီ ေျခာက္ရာ့သံုးဆယ္ခန္႔က ပါဠိပ်က္နဲ႔ ေရးထိုးထားတဲ့ သင္းခ်ပ္ေတာ္ေတာင္က ေက်ာက္စာေတြလည္းရွိတယ္။ 

ျမန္မာေတြလည္း ျမန္မာစာကို တီထြင္မသံုးခင္က သကၠတဘာသာကိုသံုးလိုက္၊ ပါဠိကိုသံုးလိုက္၊ ပ်ဴဘာသာကို သံုးလိုက္ ၊ မြန္ဘာသာကို သံုးလိုက္နဲ႔ ေနခဲ့ၿပီးမွ ျမန္မာစာကို ေအဒီ (၁၁၁၃) မွ စတင္သံုးစြဲခဲ့တယ္။ ဒီေနရာမွာ ထပ္ေျပာ ခ်င္တာက ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ခံ ဘဂၤလီေခၚေတာေတြေျပာသလို ဆိုရင္ ျမန္မာေတြဟာ ျမန္မာမျဖစ္ခင္က ကုလားျဖစ္လိုက္၊ ပ်ဴျဖစ္လိုက္၊ မြန္ျဖစ္လိုက္လို႔ေျပာရမလိုျဖစ္ေနတယ္။ 

ေဒါက္တာသန္းထြန္းက ေခတ္ေဟာင္းျမန္မာရာဇ၀င္မွာ “ ဥႆီ ၊ ဥႆာ၊ ဥႆာလ ဟု ေရွးက ေခၚဆိုကာမွ်ျဖင့္ အိႏၵိယအေရွ႕ကမ္းေျခရွိ ၾသရိႆမွ ကုလားတို႔ ၿမိဳ့ရြာတည္၍ ေနခဲ့ဖူးသည္ဟူ၍ မဆိုသာေခ်။“ ဟု ေထာက္ျပခဲ့တယ္။ ဒါေၾကာင့္ ဒီေန႔ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံမွာ ကုလားယဥ္ေက်းမွဳနဲ႔ ကုလားစာေပမ်ား သံုးစြဲခဲ့ဖူးတာနဲ႔ ဘဂၤလီေခၚေတာေတြ ေျပာသလို ဒီတိုင္းျပည္ဟာ ဘဂၤလီေခၚေတာတိုင္းျပည္မဟုတ္ဆိုတာ ေျပာခ်င္တယ္။ ။ 

ဒီဇင္ဘာလ ၁၉ ရက္၊ ၂၀၁၂ နံနက္ ၄း ၀၈


Khin Maung said...
ရခိုင္သမိုင္းပညာရွင္တို႔အား စိန္ေခၚျခင္း | ေဌးလြင္ဦး
Monday, December 17, 2012 ေဌးလြင္ဦး No comments

၂၀၁၂- ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၁၆ ရက္

ရခိုင္နယ္သည္ ကိုယ့္ထီးကိုယ့္နန္းျဖင့္ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ေလးေထာင္ေသာ သမိုင္းျဖင့္ တည္ရွိခဲ့၏။ ထုိကာလသည္ ဗမာအင္ပါယာ (ပုဂံအင္ပါယာ) မေပၚေပါက္မွီ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း သံုးေထာင္ေက်ာ္ ပုိမုိေရွးက်၍ ျဖစ္၏။ ရခိုင္၏ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ေလးေထာင္ေက်ာ္ေသာ သမုိင္းတြင္- ရခိုင္နယ္၌ ရွိေနေသာ မည္သည့္လူမ်ိဳးစုက မူလဇစ္ျမစ္ လူမ်ိဳး ျဖစ္သနည္း။ မည္သည့္လူမ်ိဳးက ေႏွာင္းပိုင္းမွ ၀င္ေရာက္လာေသာ လူမ်ိဳးျဖစ္သနည္း-၊ ဆိုသည္တို႔အား ပထ၀ီ သဘာ၀အရလည္းေကာင္း၊ သမိုင္းလက္ရာ အေထာက္အထားမ်ားအရ လည္းေကာင္း၊ ရခိုင္စာေပဇစ္ျမစ္ အရ လည္းေကာင္း၊ ရခိုင္တို႔၏ ရုပ္ရည္ဟန္ပန္အရလည္းေကာင္း၊ သမိုင္းစာေပအေထာက္အထားအရ လည္း ေကာင္း- ရခိုင္သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ဟု ခံယူထားေသာ ေဒါက္တာေအးခ်မ္းအပါအ၀င္- အျခားမည္သည့္ သမုိင္းပညာ ရွင္မ်ားႏွင့္ မဆို ကမၻာသိ မီဒီယာမ်ား ေရွ႔ေမွာက္၌ ေနရာမေရြး၊ အခ်ိန္မေရြး Debate လုပ္ေဆြးေႏြးလွ်က္ အေျဖေဖၚထုတ္လိုပါသည္။

ကၽြႏ္ုပ္အေနျဖင့္ ရခိုင္နယ္၏ ေရွးဦးမူလ လူမ်ိဳးမွာ ယခုအခါ မိမိကိုယ္မိမိ “ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာလူမ်ိဳး”ဟု ခံယူထားသူမ်ား သာ ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း-၊ ကမၻာ့မီဒီယာမ်ားေရွ႔တြင္ သက္ေသသက္ကန္ အတိအက် ေဖၚထုတ္ျပသြား ျဖစ္သည္။ မ်ိဳးဆက္ သံုးဆက္ခန္႔ သမိုင္းကို လိမ္လည္၍ တင္ျပခဲ့ျခင္းေၾကာင့္ အထင္မွား အျမင္မွား- သမိုင္းမွားမ်ား၏ ၀ဲၾသဃအတြင္း ေရာက္ေနရသည့္ ျမန္မာႏိုင္ငံသူ ႏိုင္ငံသား အေပါင္းတို႔အားလည္း သမိုင္း၏မွန္၏ တန္ဘိုး၊ သမိုင္းမွန္၏ ဇစ္ျမစ္တို႔အား ျပန္လည္ေဖၚထုတ္ေပးရာ ေရာက္မည္ဟု ယံုၾကည္သည္။

“ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာ” ဆိုသည္မွာ ေနာက္ပိုင္းတြင္မွ လုပ္ႀကံဖန္တီးျခင္း ျဖစ္၏၊ ထိုရိုဟင္ဂ်ာ ဆိုသူမ်ားမွာ ကိုလိုနီေခတ္ အတြင္း ဘဂၤလားေဒ့ရွ္မွ ေခၚယူလာေသာ လယ္လုပ္ေက်းကၽြန္မ်ားသာ ျဖစ္၍၊ ၁၈၂၄ ခုႏွစ္ ေနာက္ပိုင္းတြင္မွ ရခိုင္နယ္ထဲသို႔ ေရာက္လာသူမ်ား ျဖစ္၏- ဟု ရခိုင္သမိုင္းအား လိမ္လည္တင္ျပထားေသာ၊ သို႔မဟုတ္ မိမိ လက္လွမ္းမွီသေလာက္ကို အေျခခံကာ အမွန္ဟု ခံယူ တင္ျပထားေသာ- သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ခံထားေသာ ပညာရွင္ တို႔ အေနျဖင့္-၊ မိမိဘ၀တာ မကုန္ဆံုးမွီ-၊ ပညာရွင္ပီပီ၊ ေယာက်ားပီပီ၊ သူရဲေကာင္းပီပီ၊ ရခိုင္နယ္အား ခ်စ္ျမတ္ ႏိုးသူ ပီပီ ျပန္လည္ျပင္ဆင္လိုက ျပင္ဆင္ႏိုင္ရန္လည္း ကၽြႏ္ုပ္ဘက္မွ ရည္ရြယ္သည္။

အထူးသျဖင့္ ေခတ္သစ္ ရခိုင္သမိုင္းပညာရွင္ ဟု ခံယူထားေသာ၊ ေဒါက္တာ ေအးခ်မ္း ျဖင့္ အဓိက ေဆြးေႏြး လိုသည္။ ေဒါက္တာ ေအးခ်မ္းအေနျဖင့္ သြားေရးလာေရး ခက္ခဲေသာ္-၊ ကၽြႏ္ုပ္မွ ေဒါက္တာေအးခ်မ္း ေနထိုင္ သည့္ ဂ်ပန္ႏိုင္ငံတြင္ လာေရာက္ ေဆြးေႏြးႏိုင္ေၾကာင္းလည္း ကမ္းလွမ္းလုိသည္။ ကၽြႏ္ုပ္ကိုယ္တိုင္ ရခိုင္လူမ်ိဳး စစ္စစ္ျဖစ္၍ (ေဆြးေႏြးရန္ ေတာင္းဆိုမႈအား လက္ခံလွ်င္ ရခိုင္လူမ်ိဳး စစ္စစ္ျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း အေထာက္အထား ျပ ေပးပါမည္၊)- ရခိုင္နယ္မွ ညီအစ္ကို တိုင္းရင္းသားခ်င္းၾကား- အိုးမဲသုတ္ ခြပ္ခိုင္းထားသည့္ သမိုင္းမွားအား ေခ် ဖ်က္လိုေသာ ဆႏၵသန္႔သန္႔ျဖင့္ ယခုကဲ့သို႔ ကမ္းလွမ္းလိုက္ျခင္းလည္း ျဖစ္သည္။


ကုရ္အံက်မ္းေတာ္ ဘာသာျပန္ဆရာ၊
BA (ျမန္မာစာ- ရန္ကုန္)၊ AA (Media Marketing, NY USA),
Scholar of Buddhism, Christianity & Islam

ဦးေဆာင္လႈပ္ရွားမႈ တာ၀န္ခံ
ျမန္မာမြတ္ဆလင္ တန္းတူညီမွ် အခြင့္အေရး လႈပ္ရွားေဆာင္ရြက္မႈ အဖြဲ႔
အေမရိကန္ ျပည္ေထာင္စု

Sunday, December 23, 2012

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

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22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

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22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

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22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

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22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

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22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang

India Urged for Transparency in Kaladan Project in Burma

E-mail Print
22 December 2012: A five-day protest staged in New Delhi during Thein Sein's visit to India called on the government of India to respect human rights and standards of democracy in its development projects in Burma.The protest campaign organized by the Burmese Democratic Forces in India said the Kaladan Multi-Modal Project, funded by the Indian government, is implemented without conducting social and environmental impact assessments.
"What is worst is that local people in the project areas were not informed about this project," said a statement released yesterday.
The sit-in protest-cum-photo exhibition campaign took place in New Delhi from 17-21 December as Burma's President Thein Sein arrived in the Indian capital to attend a two-day Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)-India Commemorative Summit on Thursday.
The protest called on the government of India to ensure that both ongoing and future investments in Burma are fair, transparent and accountable.
India's government must make sure that there is full local participation in any Indian-supported developmental projects in Burma, according to the statement.
The Kaladan Multi-Modal Development Project, signed in 2008 between both governments of India and Burma, has seen its three-phase constructions initiated since 2010, with no impacts assessments conducted in Burma.
More than 50 activists from Burma joined the peaceful protest, calling on the government of India to stick to its democratic and non-violent principles by ensuring that no arms and ammunition are supplied or sold to Thein Sein's government.
The protest condemned the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters against the Letpadaung copper mine project in Burma last month as it also called for an end to military offensive in Kachin and other ethnic areas.

Van Biak Thang